In playgroup, we let children play & explore their surroundings. The crucial skills such as greeting, expression & communication are taught in this stage. Child is made comfortable in the school environment & focus is development of fine motor skills.
In this age group, the primary focus is on building critical thinking abilities & general cognitive development. This starts with identifying colors, numbers, patterns, shapes & understanding qualities & quantities of various objects around them.
Language skills become very crucial in this age group. We teach language effectively through various activities like storytelling, role play, recitations & much more. What they speak will lay down the foundation of what they will write in future. Writing skills become important in UKG. We teach cursive writing to the kids & focus on correct formation of letters & alphabets both in English & Hindi. Concept of numbers in basic Mathematics is also introduced at this stage of learning.
Robotics develops critical thinking & moreover a favorite activity for kids at Bachpan. It polishes a child's thinking skills & parents are sure to observe how brilliantly their child learns to assemble blocks & parts in the Robotime Kit. Level wise kits are specialized according to child's learning needs.
Smart Classes are a must for a new age education wherein a child should know how to understand concepts on learning tools. It is important that a teacher portrays the academic content on a screen which will awaken their senses to domains of new kind of a learning experience.
At Bachpan, children under the age group of 2 to 5 years learn through live examples, virtually. This is enchanting indeed! Traveling to places sitting in a classroom is possible with the VR head gears. The 3D viewing experience & the practicality associated to theoretical places make concepts easy to understand.